Oracle Backup to Google Drive?

Hi guys

This is a follow up post to my previous post about using a simple batch script for creating a dump export file on regular basis for Oracle database.

Backup. The most essential, however many times highly ignored element of the digital world even today as many small scale industries find the investments made to this particular mechanism hardly comes in effect, unless a disaster arises. My personal experiences with convincing the management to go for sophisticated backup solutions were always the toughest, until we had a HUGE disaster.

As a thumb rule, the first thing I always did for an Oracle database was to setup a dump export every night (if the database is truly small in size), after the normal working hours, in addition to RMAN backups. These export files are kept in a different partition & regularly monitored and purged by the beginning of a new month, keeping the last day backup for the previous month, which is deleted by the beginning of a new year.

Keeping the backup in the same hardware could prove fatal when the hardware fails, and almost all the servers are configured to use RAID, using different levels. In such scenarios even if the drives are intact, retrieving the data from raided volumes will be a professional job, costing investment and time.

For small databases, like the one I have mentioned with my previous post we can design multiple options like mapping a network folder & copying the files automatically once after a new dump file is created as the part of a backup script.

I have devised two methods for my party, and they were

  1. FTP the compressed latest dump file to another machine hosting FTP server
  2. Using google drive (Free 15GB), upload the latest compressed dump file

The first method was already explained here so I will go to 2nd method in which Google drive sync is used to insure that the party has a valid backup stored somewhere in the cloud

  • Database dump export size: 300MB approximately
  • Zipped dump file size: 50MB approximately

Install google drive on your Windows 2008 x, Windows 2012 server machine. You may need to install corresponding Visual C++ Redistributable packages in order to come across python related errors. Please read more here for solutions.

Once the google drive starts working fine, you can use the following script, which will create a dump file first, then create a zip file against the latest dump file created and then copy the zip file to google drive for cloud synching.

Please note, I have moved the google drive folder from the default location to somewhere else, like E:\Google_Drive to make sure that my batch file has shortest path entry for the copying. If you plan the same, you can change the default location for google drive by exiting the application first, then pointing google drive to your folder of choice when google drive complains about missing default location

Windows batch file for Creating, zipping & copying the files to Google Drive

[code language=”text” gutter=”false”]
@echo off
FOR /F "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a IN (‘date/t’) DO exp system/password@connectionstring full = y file=d:\Orabackup\exp_%%b%%a%%c.dmp

::Get the latest dump file name, generated using exp command
::Switch to the folder where the dump (.dmp) files are stored
CD D:\Orabackup\
:: D:\Orabackup is the folder where everyday dump files are stored.
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (‘dir *.dmp /o:-d /b’) do set NEWEST=%%a&& goto :next
REM echo The most recently created file is %NEWEST%
FOR %%i IN ("%NEWEST%") DO (
REM ECHO filedrive=%%~di
REM ECHO filepath=%%~pi
REM ECHO fileextension=%%~xi

::You can use built-in zip or 7-Zip to create archives
::E:\Google_Drive is the folder used by the google drive in my setup
COPY %ZIPNAME% E:\Google_Drive



While this method looks pretty awesome for small size databases, please be noted that, may not be at all feasible for larger ones. I will OPT this method for a backup dump file that could be compressed to a size of 400-500MB maximum, including the possibilities of corrupt compressed files.

Whatever, as far the party has a reliable internet connection with decent bandwidth, based on the size of compressed file, will always have access to a recent backup dump file, stored free in the cloud!

Does it look decent? ;)

Tip: Running Google drive sync as Windows Service



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