Install & use Windows 11 without Microsoft account

A day back Elon Musk has complained about Microsoft being petty about forcing users to use Microsoft accounts to setup a new PC. Well, “you really don’t have to” is the shortest answer. So let us see how to setup Windows11 without Microsoft account.

Once the installation completed, Windows will start setting up the PC, collecting information about the geographical location, keyboard and layout etc. Once after renaming your PC, the box will restart.

Now you can setup the PC without a Microsoft account by following the instructions below. Select “Set up for work or school” from the given options.

Click “Sign-in option” that Microsoft tries to make look less significant & that’s what let you create a local account instead of using Microsoft account.

Select “Domain join instead”

Enter your username

Setup your password

Confirm the password in the next screen.

Setup 3 different security questions and answers for situations when you forget your password in next three screens.

Basically you don’t have to agree to any of the options proved in the “Choose privacy settings for your device” screen. Toggle all of them to No if you prefer. I keep location yes (usually)

That’s all folks. Your PC will take few minutes to setup & soon you should using your PC without a Microsoft account.

The above instructions were tested on Windows 11 23H2 (OS Build 22631.3227)

Yes, I am tagging #ElonMusk

Oracle Applications (EBS R12) Site level Tax Profile API

No, there are no documented APIs are available for this requirement, or that is what claimed by Oracle community MOSC support on different discussions. So what happens when the country where you live and work decides to implement Tax (example, Middle East countries) and you were using Oracle applications(EBS) over a decade already without Tax setup? Are you going to open up each and every other customer/supplier account and setup the Tax profile? We are using Multi-organization structure and we have 8 companies under the same business group. We’ve 13,000 unique parties in our database and most of them are linked to all these organizations! It didn’t look good for us, I am sure it doesn’t look good for anyone else either!

Then I came across a poorly constructed sample for an API “zx_registrations_pkg.insert_row” that is “not well documented” by Oracle. This means, Oracle doesn’t categorize this API as public & they will not support the customer if something goes wrong while using this API. Hence, make sure that you are going to use an API that could turn stuffs into a nightmare.

Let’s see how to use this API now. Some technical details for better understanding where to look for some mandatory elements. Every time a new site created for customer or supplier, the TAX profile table (ZX_PARTY_TAX_PROFILE) is inserted with a new row, bearing the PARTY_ID column populated with newly created Site’s id (PARTY_SITE_ID) value. Given example below, I am setting up Tax profiles for customers and suppliers that were created for a new organization bearing organization id “285”

For the purpose, I created a new view comprise of both customer and supplier sites details. Please judge me because I am using “A” and “B” for aliases ;)

hcas.org_id, ac.customer_id party_id, ac.customer_number party_number, ac.customer_name party_name,ac.customer_type party_type, hcas.party_site_id, 'CUSTOMER' as party_classification
hz_cust_acct_sites_all hcas
inner join ar_customers ac on ac.customer_id= hcas.cust_account_id
and hcas.status='A'
AND ac.status ='A'
AND NVL(ac.customer_type,'R') ='R'--Account type is empty for maximum bahrain customers
AND hcas.org_id=285
select b.org_id, b.vendor_id party_id, A.segment1 party_number, a.vendor_name,NULL party_type, b.party_site_id, 'SUPPLIER' as party_classification
where B.ORG_ID = 285

I am using two different staging tables with VAT/TRN numbers & aliased as “B” in the following PL/SQL blocks. I executed the same script twice, once for customer and other time for supplier. Please note, I have hard coded many parameters, including TAX_AUTHORITY_ID. Make sure that you change such information to suit your environment. Although, we applied this solution to PRODUCTION, I would recommend everyone to practice caution, make backups.

--AND A.PARTY_SITE_ID=3702712;
g_return_status varchar2(1);
l_party_tax_profile_id NUMBER;
for i in CUSTOMER_RECORD loop
Select PARTY_TAX_PROFILE_ID into l_party_tax_profile_id from
where party_id = i.party_site_id;
when no_data_found then
IF l_party_tax_profile_id IS NOT NULL THEN
p_request_id => NULL
,p_attribute1 => NULL
,p_attribute2 => NULL
,p_attribute3 => NULL
,p_attribute4 => NULL
,p_attribute5 => NULL
,p_attribute6 => NULL
,p_rounding_rule_code => i.ROUNDING_RULE_CODE
,p_validation_rule => NULL
,p_tax_jurisdiction_code => i.TAX_JURISDICTION_CODE
,p_self_assess_flag => i.SELF_ASSESS_FLAG
,p_registration_status_code => i.REGISTRATION_STATUS_CODE
,p_registration_source_code => i.REGISTRATION_SOURCE_CODE
,p_registration_reason_code => NULL
,p_tax => i.TAX
,p_tax_regime_code => i.TAX_REGIME_CODE
,p_inclusive_tax_flag => i.INCLUSIVE_TAX_FLAG
,p_effective_from => SYSDATE
,p_effective_to => NULL
,p_rep_party_tax_name => NULL
,p_default_registration_flag => NULL
,p_bank_account_num => NULL
,p_record_type_code => i.RECORD_TYPE_CODE
,p_legal_location_id => NULL
,p_tax_authority_id => i.TAX_AUTHORITY_ID
,p_rep_tax_authority_id => NULL
,p_coll_tax_authority_id => NULL
,p_registration_type_code => i.REGISTRATION_TYPE_CODE
,p_registration_number => i.vat_registration_num
,p_party_tax_profile_id => l_party_tax_profile_id
,p_legal_registration_id => NULL
,p_bank_id => NULL
,p_bank_branch_id => NULL
,p_account_site_id => NULL
,p_attribute14 => NULL
,p_attribute15 => NULL
,p_attribute_category => NULL
,p_program_login_id => NULL
,p_account_id => NULL
,p_tax_classification_code => NULL
,p_attribute7 => NULL
,p_attribute8 => NULL
,p_attribute9 => NULL
,p_attribute10 => NULL
,p_attribute11 => NULL
,p_attribute12 => NULL
,p_attribute13 => NULL
,x_return_status => g_return_status
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(i.PARTY_NUMBER||', '||i.party_name||' Process status : '||g_return_status);
--"S" for success, any other means trouble ;)
END loop;

That’s all folks. Have questions? Use the comments section to let me know.

Purger | File shredder project for Windows

One of the major benefits of getting exposed to Linux was coming across some fabulous tools for managing and manipulating files. Let it be a simple utility that could replace strings within hundreds of files within a path or find and delete files matching patterns, age etcetera was out of the box available on most of the Linux distributions. Windows Operating System lacks such tools out of the box & next possibility is to write own scripts, which is not very possible for many users.

“Purger” is a file shredding project that I devised few years ago, while we were still hosting our Oracle 11g R2 version on Windows for multiple custom business applications, that generated multiple log files. Today I am sharing a working version of the software with you!

Download Purger

This software can, recursively scan and list files that match the age specified by the user & delete them from the file system. I’ve a minimalistic help file (PDF) under the help section of the software, please make sure that you will read it before using the software.

I’ve tried my level best to ensure that the software doesn’t give the user surprises. Regardless, observe caution when you are using the same as the software is expected to “delete” or “purge” files from your system permanently. If you are not using the “Send to Recyclebin” option, you might end up using tools like Recuva to recover the files deleted!

Do let me know if you have comments.

Microsoft Exchange | empty ECP OWA pages

Recently we switched to wildcard SSL certificate & our on premise exchange services were configured to use the new certificate from ECP. Then, we upgraded our Antivirus software on the Exchange server and needed a reboot.

Once after the physical reboot, Exchange services completely looked toasted. Although the users were able to logon to OWA, after authentication it was just blank, empty pages. We are using Microsoft Exchange 2013 and a quick search landed us on this page.

As per instructions provided by Microsoft, we found out that the IIS “Exchange Back End” site didn’t have the SSL certificate assigned. Once after assigning the new wildcard certificate, we restarted IIS and all services came online immediately after that.

Oracle 19c | Install sample schemas

Oracle 19c comes with a single sample schema HR. For other sample schemas, we have to download the installation media from github repositories. Today we will see how to install the sample schemas on a pluggable database. We’ll be installing Oracle 19.2 sample schemas and please remember, there are possibilities that the sample schema scripts differ for different releases. you can download the 19.2 sample scripts from here

Now comes the difficult part. Once you extract the archive, it creates a folder “db-sample-schemas-19.2”, unless you modified the extract location. I’ve discussed about this on my other post about the Windows software that I made for replacing strings recursively

Basically, Oracle scripts for sample schemas refer to a path, that has to be changed within all the nested SQL and DAT files being referred by the installer script. This is not going to be an easy task for anyone if manually attempted, prompting me to develop the above discussed small utility. Another approach is to write a batch or Powershell script. I opted the latter. Save the below as PowerShell script. Make sure that you configured the environment to run remote signed scripts.

<# run once for *.sql and again for *.dat #>

$count = 0;
Get-ChildItem 'D:\db-sample-schemas-19.2\*.sql' -Recurse | ForEach {
$count = (get-content $_ | select-string -pattern '__SUB__CWD__').length
if ($count -gt 0) {
Write-Host $_ " has $count matches & a backup file $_.bak will be created."
Copy-Item -Path $_ -Destination $_".bak"
(Get-Content $_ | ForEach { $_ -replace '__SUB__CWD__', 'D:/db-sample-schemas-19.2' }) | Set-Content $_

The above script should be run twice, to iterate through two different types of files. First time for “.sql” and second time for “.dat”

Once the scripts are modified with the correct path, we can proceed with setting up sample schemas. We will use the script “mksample.sql”. Start sqlplus from the script root, eg: D:\db-sample-schemas-19.2. Don’t forget to alter session to your PDB prior executing the script! Please ensure that you have created a new a tablespace “EXAMPLE” if it doesn’t exist (You can use another existing tablespace for the purpose, however not recommended)

Usually the script completes generating few errors. You can check the log files for detailed information about what went wrong, that are insignificant as long as you are only looking at tables/views and indexes.

Hope this helps!

winreplace | command line utility for string replacement recursively

Few days back I posted couple of articles related to Oracle APEX & realized that my test database doesn’t have sample schemas other than HR. So, I decided to download and setup them. Once after extracting the archives from github for 19c, the installation thrown many errors about SQL files not being found in the path “__SUB__CWD__

So I opened couple of the files and found entries like this

CONNECT system/&&password_system@&&connect_string


@__SUB__CWD__/human_resources/hr_main.sql &&password_hr &&default_ts &&temp_ts &&password_sys &&logfile_dir &&connect_string

CONNECT system/&&password_system@&&connect_string

@__SUB__CWD__/order_entry/oe_main.sql &&password_oe &&default_ts &&temp_ts &&password_hr &&password_sys __SUB__CWD__/order_entry/ &&logfile_dir &vrs &&connect_string

CONNECT system/&&password_system@&&connect_string


@__SUB__CWD__/product_media/pm_main.sql &&password_pm &&default_ts &&temp_ts &&password_oe &&password_sys __SUB__CWD__/product_media/ &&logfile_dir __SUB__CWD__/product_media/ &&connect_string

A quick search landed me on oracle-base article about installing samples schemas. This article explains how to replace “__SUB__CHD__” string with the present working directory (pwd) value. Unfortunately, Windows doesn’t have a built-in tool for such & I decided to make one for myself. “winreplace” is a Windows executable developed using C# (C Sharp). I’ve used Visual Studio 2019 community edition for developing this application. You may use later versions and higher .Net framework versions as it suits your requirements. This utility can iterate through files and sub-folders within a directory and replace strings. I avoided command line arguments as maintaining the position and spaces could be challenging at times. All arguments expected by the application are accepted through individual prompts and they must be entered without quotes. Below code was last modified on 6th January 2024. The latest build insures that ONLY the files modified.

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace winreplace
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
//Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");

string sourceDirectory = string.Empty;
string fileType = string.Empty;
string searchString = string.Empty;
string replaceString = string.Empty;
string backupFiles = string.Empty;

//Accept user inputs
//We'll not do extensive validations for this release. User have to insure the validity of information passed as inputs
Console.WriteLine(@"winreplace by, Version 1.0, December 31, 2023");
Console.WriteLine(@"This utility could be used for replacing specific strings recursively within a given file path. This utility creates a "".bak"" file for each file it iterates through regardless whether a match found or not. Fix expected.");
Console.WriteLine(@"This utility is provided as it is and you are adviced to use the same with caution. Although the software creates a backup for every file it accesses, making additional backups for important files is totally user's responsibility. will not able to fix/repair or recover your files under any circumstances once after they are modified.");

Console.Write(@"Files Path(eg: D:\My Text Files are here): ");
sourceDirectory = Console.ReadLine();

Console.Write(@"File type(eg: *.txt): ");
fileType = Console.ReadLine();

Console.Write(@"String to search for(eg: domain name): ");
searchString = Console.ReadLine();

Console.Write(@"String to replace with(eg: ");
replaceString = Console.ReadLine();

var txtFiles = Directory.EnumerateFiles(sourceDirectory, fileType, SearchOption.AllDirectories);
foreach (string currentFile in txtFiles)
string fileName = currentFile.Substring(sourceDirectory.Length + 1);
//Directory.Move(currentFile, Path.Combine(archiveDirectory, fileName));
//Comment the below line if you don't want to create backup files.
ReplaceInFile(currentFile, searchString, replaceString);
catch (Exception e)

static public void ReplaceInFile(string filePath, string searchText, string replaceText)
//We will get the content from the plain text type file.
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(filePath);
string content = reader.ReadToEnd();
//Now we will check whether the content read from the file
//has matches for the string that we are searching for.
MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(content, searchText);
int count = matches.Count;
//We will attempt to replace the strings only if matches exist
//Each file that is modified will be backed up with an extension ".bak"
if (count > 0)
Console.WriteLine("{0} has {1} Matches. File will be backed up", filePath, count);
File.Copy(filePath, filePath + ".bak", true);
content = Regex.Replace(content, searchText, replaceText);
StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(filePath);
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("There was an error. Please check whether the file is read only.");

You can download a published version from this link. Extract the contents to a single folder, eg: D:\winreplace. This application can work ONLY with plain text files like .txt, .sql, .log and files of same nature. This software cannot be used for Microsoft documents/PDF or documents of such complex architecture. Read more about Microsoft documents/PDF here

Now add this path to PATH environment variable, that will help you to access the executable from any command prompt.

You can call the executable as demonstrated in the image below.

I was pretty happy, being able to fix the sql, dat files as mentioned in the oracle-base article using “my own” utility.

Please note, there are hardly any error handling included with the application. Please ensure to make backups for your important files prior using this utility. I’ve added a no liability clause with the software (not visible with the images above as it was added later)

You must run the executable each time for different types of files. If the application fails, default error messages will be displayed, giving you a hint about what went wrong.

That’s all folks.

Oracle APEX on Apache Tomcat

Referred documents

Oracle keeps releasing new versions of both APEX and ORDS once in couple of months, if not weeks. Posting a fresh article for each and every other version looks pretty hectic and I have decided to maintain a single post with specific instructions for versions that I tested at lab. Please refer “Install APEX on Windows” for details about installing APEX on Windows.

Assuming the APEX with ORDS installation all good, we will see how to setup ORDS using Apache Tomcat now. Please note, Apache Tomcat 9.x is the latest version supported by ORDS. You can read about the differences between Tomcat 9 and Tomcat 10 here (As on 23rd Dec 2023, Tomcat10 doesn’t work with ORDS)

I suggest going with the Zip package. You can opt for the Windows Service installer, if you are setting APEX for regular development or PRODUCTION usage. Please refer the following link for detailed information about setting up Apache Tomcat on Windows.

Let’s setup Apache Tomcat for ORDS now, assuming Apache Windows Service is not installed.

I have the Tomcat 9 software extracted to the folder to D:\apache-tomcat. Please make sure that you will setup the server.xml with ports that are freely available on your system prior attempting to start the web server.

The following are the areas you must thoroughly confirm within the server.xml file that is available in “conf” folder.

Let’s quickly make some minor change to web.xml, allowing directory browsing. We’ll change the listing parameter value from “false” to “true”

There are many other changes we must make for a PRODUCTION instance. For the current purpose, this is enough to start with.

Now, we will quickly copy the ORDS and APEX images to Tomcat apps section so that they could be mapped.

  1. Copy “ords.war” from the ORDS installation source to webapps
  2. Copy the “images” folder from APEX installation source & rename it to “i”
  3. Refer the below image for details.

From an elevated command prompt, switch to Apache Tomcat BIN folder. We need to setup some environment variables prior starting Tomcat server.

D:\apache-tomcat\bin>set JAVA_HOME=C:\Java\jdk-17 --JDK path

D:\apache-tomcat\bin>set ORDS_CONFIG=D:\ORDS\config --location that was selected for configuring ORDS, this location has all details for database connection and more.

D:\apache-tomcat\bin>set JAVA_OPTS="-Dconfig.url=%ORDS_CONFIG%" -Xms1024M -Xmx2G --Dconfig.url is the place where Tomcat server looks for ORDS configurations. Finaly Xms and Xmx are the JAVA min and max memory settings. For PRODUCTION, these parameters should be configured precisely to avoid performance bottlenecks.

D:\apache-tomcat\bin>startup --will start the web server.

Let us try to access ORDS now. The below is the landing page, from which you can start SQL Developer Web APEX and ORDS authentication.

You can use “shutdown.bat” to stop the Tomcat server.

If set is expected to be used for longer intervals, we can install Tomcat as Windows Service. Please note the forward slashes “/”. Oracle allows both forward and backward slashes for these kind of settings.

Note the service name “Tomcat9”. You should use the same name, so that the service configuration executable(tomcat9w.exe) can be used for setting up ORDS specifics at post service installation.

Once the service installed, let us quickly move to Tomcat bin folder. Open “tomcat9w.exe”

let’s configure the JAVA options section with the “-Dconfig.url”, pointing to the ORDS config path.

Start the “Apache Tomcat 9.0 tomcat9” Windows service now. Set the service to start manually or automatic based on your requirements. Remember, ORDS will not start if the database instance is not open.

Windows | OPatch failed with error code = 73

Few times I mentioned in my posts that I have many Oracle products installed on my laptop/PCs. Such setup could cause unexpected hurdles while trying to deal with specific requirements & I had such one last time while trying to apply a bundle patch on Oracle database 19c.

D:\Oracle_Installers\Patch21\p35681552_190000_MSWIN-x86-64\35681552>d:\oracle19c\OPatch\opatch.bat apply
Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2023, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

Oracle Home : d:\Oracle19c
Central Inventory : C:\Program Files (x86)\Oracle\Inventory
from :
OPatch version :
OUI version :
Log file location : d:\Oracle19c\cfgtoollogs\opatch\opatch2023-12-19_09-49-12AM_1.log

List of Homes on this system:

Home name= OracleWorkFlow, Location= "D:\OracleWorflow_1"
Home name= DevSuiteHome1, Location= "D:\DevSuiteHome_1"
Home name= OracleHome1, Location= "D:\Weblogic\Middleware\Oracle_Home"
Home name= OraClient19Home1_32bit, Location= "D:\oracle\product\19.0.0\client_1"
OPatchSession cannot load inventory for the given Oracle Home d:\Oracle19c. Possible causes are:
No read or write permission to ORACLE_HOME/.patch_storage
Central Inventory is locked by another OUI instance
No read permission to Central Inventory
The lock file exists in ORACLE_HOME/.patch_storage
The Oracle Home does not exist in Central Inventory

UtilSession failed: RawInventory gets null OracleHomeInfo
Log file location: d:\Oracle19c\cfgtoollogs\opatch\opatch2023-12-19_09-49-12AM_1.log

OPatch failed with error code = 73

As I have many Oracle products installed, I adjust the PATH environment variable based on the current requirement usually without setting up ORACLE_HOME or ORACLE_SID. Most of the times this setup works, few other times I must restart the laptop/PC to achieve the desired results.

I rushed to check the inventory entry for the Oracle database home & some unknown reasons, I couldn’t find an entry, leaving me with no options other than recreating it.

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes" ?>
<!-- Copyright (c) 1999, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
All rights reserved. -->
<!-- Do not modify the contents of this file by hand. -->
<HOME NAME="OracleWorkFlow" LOC="D:\OracleWorflow_1" TYPE="O" IDX="3"/>
<HOME NAME="DevSuiteHome1" LOC="D:\DevSuiteHome_1" TYPE="O" IDX="1"/>
<HOME NAME="OracleHome1" LOC="D:\Weblogic\Middleware\Oracle_Home" TYPE="O" IDX="4"/>
<HOME NAME="OraClient19Home1_32bit" LOC="D:\oracle\product\19.0.0\client_1" TYPE="O" IDX="5"/>
<HOME NAME="oracleas1" LOC="D:\OraHome_1" TYPE="O" IDX="2" REMOVED="T"/>

To recreate the inventory entry, we need to know both ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_HOME_NAME entry values. On Windows, it is pretty easy to get them from the Windows registry.

With these details in hand, we can see how to recreate the entry for database using the suggested methods. I will not mind a manual entry in the file for another round experiments though ;)

Move to $ORACLE_HOME\oui\bin folder from an elevated command prompt and execute the following. (Make sure you change the ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_HOME_NAME based on your setup!)

setup.exe -silent -attachHome ORACLE_HOME=D:\Oracle19c ORACLE_HOME_NAME=OraDB19Home1

This should create a new entry in the inventory file & one could continue with the patching or other intended activity that involves the inventory from here onward.

Debug an “EXE” file using Visual Studio

Recently, while dealing with some nasty issues related Widows 11 Snipping Tool recording, an interesting visitor said something like “while debugging snipping tool” & it caught my attention! So I did a quick research and realized that I can use VS(Visual Studio) to open an EXE file and do the “debugging”! So let us see how this “debugging” works. Please note, this is not as in you are going to fix anything yourself, instead the whole process gives you an idea about what is going wrong.

We will use “Snipping Tool” for this exercise. Start Snipping Tool and keep it minimized. From the Task manager, let us see where is the physical location for the executable.

Use the “Copy as path” for getting the whole path for the executable.

Open up Visual Studio, I am using Visual Studio 2019 Community edition.

Once the file opened, you will see a screen like below

Now, we need to attach this opened EXE with a running process. Click on the “Attach…” button now, that will open up a window with currently running processes.

Now go back to your application. In our case, “Snipping Tool” and try to do a screen recording.

My current setup doesn’t work for Snipping Tool screen recording and the above error display doesn’t tell the user what went wrong. Windows Event Viewer is not much help either in this case of Snipping Tool. So, let us go back to Visual Studio and see whether we can get more information about the exception.

Now, we know what went wrong, right? Interested to fix it? Well, I think we are at the mercy of Microsoft to fix such issues with their application. According to the visitor, the failing call is due to the intel driver and he has created a Microsoft Feedback entry already listing them.

So, this is one of the most inexpensive ways to understand why a particular EXE is failing & as as I stated in the beginning of the article, not truly “debugging” as in debugging. Hope, you enjoyed this article!

Firefox “Check Spelling” not working

We are using Firefox ESR for Oracle Applications (EBS) & after experiencing stuttering and sluggishness on Microsoft Edge Chrome, decided to switch to Firefox, hoping better experiences. Not just the experience was horrible, to my utter surprise I realized Firefox was not doing spell checking as I was typing. To my further disappointment, found the right click context menu within the text columns didn’t show me the language options either.

So, I knew that there was something drastically wrong. I checked Mozilla Firefox forums and the accepted answers were about installing Dictionary for the targeted language thatI never did in the past! However, I noticed something interesting that Instead of English US, Firefox had only English GB as available under the language section and “Check Your spelling as you type” was enabled by default. Teh noly isseu I aws heving wsa FryerFlox wll nto od tath!

After “some” time reading and failed experiments, I decided to download the “English US” as additional language mainly for the reason that my OS uses it as the base language.

After downloading English (US), automatically it become the default language for Firefox & reloading the editor page started showing language options!

I don’t have any technical details for why English (GB) was not doing spell checking or missing language settings within the Context menu. One of these days I am going to check with Firefox forums for a better answer. Until then!