Windows 10 1903 | Oracle VirtualBox virtual machines will not start/open

Hello guys

This is a quick post towards one of the issues I faced once after enabling Windows Sandbox feature that was made available with Windows 10 1903. As Sandbox feature utilizes Hyper-V (regardless whether you have enabled it or not).

Once Sandbox feature enabled, Oracle VirtualBox 6.0.x fails to launch the Virtual Machines.

Although VirtualBox 6.0.x are supposed to support Hyper-V for acceleration, my attempts were futile, forcing me to disable the Sandbox feature, enter BIOS and browse through the virtualization settings.

I can’t say what has resolved the issues. I disabled Sandbox, restarted the box, was unable to launch the Virtual Machines.

Restarted the laptop, entered BIOS and insured that the virtualization was turned on & tried to launch the Virtual Machines and they opened.

So give it a try, if you are stuck with the following error while trying to open a Virtual Machine!

Call to WHvSetupPartition failed: ERROR_SUCCESS (Last=0xc000000d/87) (VERR_NEM_VM_CREATE_FAILED).



2 thoughts on “Windows 10 1903 | Oracle VirtualBox virtual machines will not start/open

    1. Glad to know that you got around it. VirtualBox started to have many issues, especially display related (nvidia) recently and they were being persistent through builds. Thanks for stopping by

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